The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
- Observation I (Field Experience) - EDU 3021
- Observation II (Field Experience) - EDU 3021
- Chapter 3 Presentation - EDU 2000***
Observation I and II are experiences that focus on the different learners of cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical. In this kindergarten classroom that I observed, the patterns of learning were developmentally appropriate yet challenging to the students. These documents are evidence in showing how I recognize the various ways learners grow and develop. With my observation, I now know that I need to actively build student interests, implementing developmentally appropriate and challenging experiences.
Standard #2: Learning Differences
The teacher uses
understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to
ensure inclusive learning environments that allow each learner to reach his/her
full potential.
Universal Design for
Learning Components I & II - EDU 3051
Universal Design for
Learning Presentation - EDU 3051
Multiculturalism –
Bullying – PSY 1840***
With my experiences, the major aspect of teaching I can
emphasize is to know my students. The field experiences and UDL (Universal
Design for Learning) course helped me focus on the students diverse backgrounds
and differences. The UDL Components chart was an organized document that helped
me categorize the different needs of students and how I can create an inclusive
learning environment. In this chart, I have focused specifically on gifted,
struggling reader, hearing impairment, visual impairment, ELL, and learning-disabled
learners. This chart helped me focus on students I have experienced in a
classroom and how I can create an environment that helps these students with
IEP/504 plans, classification, and needs reach full potential in learning. I
constructed a PowerPoint presentation for the UDL course that summarizes in creating
a classroom community inclusive to learning focusing on student needs.
Standard #3: Learning Environments
The teacher works
with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative
learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in
learning, and self motivation.
· Learning Environment Plan Presentation - EDU 3021
- Learning Environment Plan Essay - EDU 3021***
The importance of a safe and encouraging environment
is essential to learning for students. I have seen classrooms from my field
experiences and EDU 3021 course focusing on the differences a classroom environment
can make for a student. Within my Learning Environment Plan presentation, I
discuss the significance in having a positive social interaction among
students, how to engage in active learning, and encourage self-motivation. With
an organized physical environment, meeting student needs and meeting teacher
expectations are highlighted in my presentation. I have discussed how students
need to be encouraged in a positive and specific manner to have a classroom
environment that support learning.
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